Monday, May 28, 2012

Hello and bonjour. This is writer #1, I just would like to update. Dancer is definatly doing Beyonce's awesome song, 'if I were a boy', which is of course perfect for this. If you are a rarity, and have not heard this song, don't worry, we may put the lyrics up in a few days, would love your opinions on this guys :)
So... besides the dancing, how is this project going, I hear you ask? Well, I am writing the blog as usual, (can we all just forget that this is only my second post?) Writer #2 is currently researching facts about inequality between genders, which, of course, we will also put up soon.
We would just like the add the amount of people reading this, it's much more than I personally expected, so thanks guys :) (ignore this oh-so proffersional emoticon).
So, this is basically an update- I will get to the real stuff very soon...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Dancer's first post.

Hi peeps :) Dancer here,
Just a little update on how we are going. I am doing a dance for this project to 'If I Were A Boy' by Beyonce. I haven't started it yet so if any of you have any suggestions for another song i will be glad to hear from you. I like anything that's deep and has a massive amount of emotion in the way it's sung. It needs to have an obvious relation to gender equality.

Dancer <3

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Dancers and Writers who want gender equality....

Hello. Bonjour. Hallo. Hola. Lorem. Whatever floats your boat. Bottom line is welcome... we are group of teenage girls who live our passions, writing and dancing, and are inspired to change the world in anyway possible. We are starting this blog as we work on a project to promote this in a way that we choose, as one of us dances and others write. For our privacy, and at this point in time, we will not reveal our names. But you can call us Writer #1, Writer #2 and Dancer .We just want to world to know what we are doing, and why. Gender inequality still exisits, even in our western society, and we want it stopped. We don't want any countries where women cannot drive, we don't want any women to get paid less than a man, we don't want a world where a woman cannot get an education. We don't any of this- we want to stop it. So wherever you are in the world, if anyone is reading at all, please, watch us as we work on our project, and do our part to make the world better for every girl.
Dancers and Writers.